Choose The Right Underlayment For Your Roof

Installing an underlayment is one of the preliminary steps that your contractor will conduct when replacing roofing materials on your home. Learn the differences between felt underlayments and polymer underlayments. Then, make an educated decision concerning which material you will request that your contractor uses during the roofing project.

The Purpose

An underlayment is a material that is attached directly to a roof's decking. An underlayment protects against moisture and humidity. It is not visible to the naked eye, once it has been installed. All of the roofing materials that comprise a rooftop will be secured over an underlayment.

When a contractor installs an underlayment, they will cut sections of felt paper or a polymer material. They will secure each section independently.

Felt Paper

Felt paper is a product that contains asphalt and paper or asphalt and fiberglass mat. The paper or fiberglass mat that is used during the production process will be saturated first. Then, either material will be blended with asphalt. Felt paper tends to be heavy in weight. There are varying grades of felt paper.

A felt paper product is wound around a large spool. A contractor will typically carry a paper spool up a ladder when they are ready to install an underlayment.

Felt paper is a cost-effective product. This underlayment material is not as resilient as a polymer underlayment material, however. When felt paper is installed, it should be covered with roofing materials soon afterward. Leaving felt paper exposed could result in the product becoming wet and wrinkled. Felt paper is also prone to tearing and it has a slippery surface.

A Polymer Material

Long-lasting polymers are used to produce synthetic underlayments. A polymer underlayment repels water. A manufacturer of this type of product may feature underlayment materials that contain a textured surface. The textured surface will allow a contractor to safely walk upon polymer sections as they are installing additional underlayment pieces next to them.

Synthetic underlayments are lighter in weight than felt ones. Polymer products do not need to be covered with roofing materials right away. Because a polymer underlayment will be resilient to the weather, a contractor can carefully install the underlayment and then take their time installing the roofing materials that will cover the underlayment.

A polymer material will last for many years. A polymer underlayment will not become wrinkled or tear as often as felt paper. Because of its durability, this type of product tends to cost more than felt paper.

Contact a company like Mather's Improvement Service to learn more.

About Me

The Life and Work of Roofers

Your home would not be a home without a roof. A good roof keeps the rain out, provides some insulation against sunlight, and does not easily become damaged when exposed to snow or ice. The roof was put in place by a roofer, who was probably one of the hardest-working people you'll ever meet. Who else can say they stand all day on a pitched surface and perform physical labor? Days as a roofer are long and hot, but we are all thankful for the work these professionals do. On this blog, you can learn more about roofers, their work, and their lives.



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