Dry rot can damage your roof and necessitate a replacement. Below is an overview of the problem.
Signs and Symptoms
Many of the dry rot signs and symptoms depend on the infection stage. For example, the early stages of dry rot appear as red or brown spores on the wood's surface. The spores then trigger white strands over the wood's surface, which multiply and thicken over time to develop a web that looks like cotton. Mushroom-like growth appears in the latter stages of the infection.
Dry rot causes wood to distort or shrink. The distortion might cause the affected wood to loosen at the points where they connect to other roof parts.
Dry rot, which occurs on hidden and exposed roof parts, causes multiple complications for your roof and the entire house. Below are some of the dangers.
Dry Rot Spreads
Dry rot that begins on the roof will not confine itself to that part of the house. The fungi that cause dry rot spreads easily and can affect other parts of the house. For example, fungi can spread and affect the siding, ceiling, window, and door frames. That means you will have to repair large parts of your house if you don't treat dry rot in its infancy.
Dry Rot Weaken Structures
Dry rot weakens the wood they affect. The weakened structures won't be able to support their usual weight. For example, weak rafters and load-bearing beams can buckle once dry rot affects them. The distortion can affect other parts of the roof and necessitate significant repairs. The roof might even collapse in extreme cases.
Dry Rot Trigger Health Effects
Some people are allergic to the fungi that cause dry rot. The fungi can also worsen existing respiratory diseases in some people.
Prevent dry rot before it affects your roof; don't wait to deal with rotten wood. Below are two prevention methods that work.
Prevent Water Leaks
The fungi that cause dry rot require moisture to take root. After that, they can spread even long after the initial moisture has dried off. Keep your roof watertight to keep the fungi at bay. Ensure that:
- The roof flashing is always intact and adequate
- Replace damaged or missing shingles as soon as possible
- Replace loose nails as soon as possible
- Ensure your roof's drainage system works, for example, by preventing water clogs
In short, do everything possible to ensure any water on the roof flows through the drainage system and does not penetrate the roof.
Treat Wood
Roofing contractors have fungicide treatments that help prevent dry rot. Talk to your roofing contractor to treat roof parts susceptible to dry rot.