Roofing: Why Is Your Attic Insulation Damp And Moldy?

If the insulation in your attic is damp and moldy, you may blame it on high humidity. Humid air does contain enough moisture in it to cause problems for your home. However, a leaky roof can also cause water and mold to form in your attic. If there's a leak in your roof, take care of it soon. The following information can help you keep water and mold out of your attic.

Examine Your Rafters and Trusses for Damage

Roof leaks can occur just about anywhere in the structure, including near or on the rafters and trusses. Rafters and trusses form your entire roof's frame. If moisture breaks down the rafters and trusses in your attic, they'll eventually fail. Look over the rafters and trusses. If the wood in your rafters and trusses looks crumbled, discolored, or warped in places, there may be leaks in the roof deck.

Also, check any vents you have around your rafters. Along with other openings, vents should allow air to circulate in and out the attic through the soffits in your roof. If leaks formed around the vents, water can flow into the attic. Check the outer edges of the vents for beads of moisture (condensation) and discoloration.

After you thoroughly examine the structures above, contact a professional for roof repair.

Repair the Damage in Your Roof

In order to confirm your findings, a roofing contractor may complete a follow up examination of your attic. A roofer needs to rule out high humidity as the cause or source of your moldy, damp attic. If the follow up exam confirms your findings, a roofer may take action to solve the problems in and outside your roof.

A contractor may first need to remove the moldy and damp insulation from your attic before they repair the trusses and/or rafters in your attic ceiling. It may be necessary to remove and replace pieces of the structures during the repairs. 

A roofer will then fix the damage in your roof deck. The repairs may include: 

  • removing and replacing some or most of the shingles covering the roof 
  • replacing parts of the membrane on the roof 
  • replace the flashing around the vents on the surface of your roof 

The repairs may involve other things a roofing contractor will need to do to strengthen your roof deck.

If your attic insulation is wet, moldy, or in poor condition, call a roofer today.

About Me

The Life and Work of Roofers

Your home would not be a home without a roof. A good roof keeps the rain out, provides some insulation against sunlight, and does not easily become damaged when exposed to snow or ice. The roof was put in place by a roofer, who was probably one of the hardest-working people you'll ever meet. Who else can say they stand all day on a pitched surface and perform physical labor? Days as a roofer are long and hot, but we are all thankful for the work these professionals do. On this blog, you can learn more about roofers, their work, and their lives.



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