Five Signs Of A Potential Roof Leak

Most people don't think of their roof until there is a problem, by which time it may be too late because expensive water damage has already occurred. Know five of the common signs that your roof is already experiencing possible damage so you can fix the problem before it's too late.

1. Buckling Shingles

Buckled or curled shingles indicate that moisture is causing damage. Shingles buckle for a variety of reasons, typically unrelated to moisture. Improperly laid roofing paper is the likely culprit. Unfortunately, once the shingles buckle a gap forms, which allows moisture to flow beneath the shingle so it can leak into your home. Curling is a little different than buckling, as it only affects the edges of the shingle, but the result is the same.

2. Gravel In the Gutters

Asphalt shingles are covered in small rocks, which are there to protect the shingles and to help shed additional water. Hail damage can knock the gravel off shingles, and gravel also starts to be lost as the shingles age. The gravel tends to collect in the gutters or at the base of the downspout. Once substantial gravel loss occurs, water can begin seeping through the shingles and cause leaks in the home.

3. Roof Moss

Roof moss can look pretty, but it traps a lot of moisture against the shingles. The trapped moisture itself doesn't typically cause a leak, although it can shorten shingle life. Leaks occur when moss begins to grow beneath the shingles, thus providing an opening for the trapped moisture to flow beneath the shingle and into your attic. Periodic roof cleaning can fix the problem and prevent it in the future.

4. Flashing Damage

Flashing can consist of thin metal strips around rooftop chimneys and vents, or it can be a rubberized footing or caulk that is installed around these items. Over time, metal flashing can corrode or bend, while rubber and caulk may crack or peel away. You can usually spot potential damage from the ground, so take the time to make a quick visual inspection every month. Failure to replace damaged flashing promptly can result in leaks around chimneys and roof vents.

5. Attic Moisture

Sometimes the roof looks fine from the outside, but a leak has already begun inside the home. A quick monthly survey of your attic can help you catch these leaks before severe damage occurs. When in the attic, use your nose to sniff for the musty odor of mold, and a flashlight and your eyes to look for mildew in insulation or on boards, or for water spots on the ceiling.

If you suspect a leak is occurring or imminent, contact Cloise & Mike Construction Inc for repairs.

About Me

The Life and Work of Roofers

Your home would not be a home without a roof. A good roof keeps the rain out, provides some insulation against sunlight, and does not easily become damaged when exposed to snow or ice. The roof was put in place by a roofer, who was probably one of the hardest-working people you'll ever meet. Who else can say they stand all day on a pitched surface and perform physical labor? Days as a roofer are long and hot, but we are all thankful for the work these professionals do. On this blog, you can learn more about roofers, their work, and their lives.



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